Sunday, December 30, 2018

The Garden of the New Year

I wanted to offer this poem as a  motivational affirmation for the New Year.

Best Wishes for the New Year .

May it be your best Year Yet !

The echo of the sorrow and laughter of last year.

Has died away.

Now the encouraging, hope-imparting, song-voice of the New Year.

Is resounding through Us.

To remodel our life in a new way.

As we enter the portal of the New Year.

All weeds of worries of the past year must be left behind.

And never brought back.

The seeds of all joys and achievements, all hopes,

All good habits and thoughts, all noble desires.

We must garner from the forsaken garden of the past year.

And sow them on the soil of new effort.

Of every day in the New Year.

Watering the good seeds of last year's experiences.

Until our life becomes a fragrant garden.

Of  rare flowering qualities.

Each New Year comes

To awaken our habit-driven spirit

To make new effort.

Until the Eternal Freedom

Is usurped from the hands

Of ever pursuing Karma.

Let Us All, hand in hand,

With ever-enlivened, unending, united mind

Walk and Dance forward

Until we reach the home of complete fulfillment.

From whence we return no more !

By Paramahansa Yogananda. Inner Culture, January 1939. 

 I just ran across this poem as I was going through some boxes and felt I was supposed to share it  ? So there ! I have ! ! HaHa ! ! !

Happy New Year Everyone !

Saturday, December 8, 2018

The Prince of Peace

I am the way, the truth 

and the Light !

Joy to the World
The lord hath come ! 

Joy to the World, the lord hath come.

Let Earth receive her King.

Let every heart prepare him room.

Let Heaven and Nature sing !

Wishing the happiest of Holidays for All !

 Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all Nations under God.

Om Peace Amen

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Monday, December 3, 2018

Peace and Goodwill to All !

Om Peace Amen

Saint Francis of Assisi a very unique spiritual personality ! Who gave up a life of luxury, wealth and social status to dedicate his life to his chosen faith of Christianity. This has always been one of my favorite prayers.  

Again as we think of healing as Healing of Body, Mind and Soul. Making that connection to the higher power. The Energy that which all came from ! Is a big step in the right direction for any type of healing to take place.

Making that connection soothes and strengthens Us ! Grounding us. Helping the Mind grow stronger ! Staying positive and constructive in all activities. We know for healing to take place one must believe it can take place ! And take appropriate measures to make it happen. Staying Positive ! I really related to that statement, " A healing starts to take place with One Positive thought !"

Saint Francis of Assisi your legacy lives on in this beautiful offering of devotion !

Peace and Goodwill to All !

Friday, October 12, 2018

Reiki - Ancient Natural Healing Art.

Let me start out by saying I do not claim to be any type of expert on the subject material here. I too am also a student of Reiki wanting to share what I have learned and experienced up to this point in time with my own personal Reiki practice. I hope this short blog piece helps anyone else attracted to the " Reiki Ray ". This ray of love and light shining down from our heavenly father from above. Called in Reiki as the Universal Life Force Energy. As the Master Jesus stated in the bible that " Man does not live by bread alone, but every word that proceeded out of the Mouth of God. The mouth of God being the " medulla oblongata ". At the top of the spine, base of the skull. So another definition of Reiki is ........... Reiki is a Japanese word. " Rei " means Spirit. And Ki is Universal Life Force Energy. Reiki is Spiritually guided Universal Life Force Energy ! Reiki is about Compassion and Love ! ! !  In this time of planetary crisis, we all need the love and healing we can give and receive. Again as stated in the "Good Book". It is better to give than to receive. It is ever so true with Love and Light ! ! !

The Reiki Principles.

Just for Today

Just for today I will give thanks for my many blessings.

Just for today I will not worry.

Just for today I will not be angry.

Just for today I will do my work honestly.

Just for today I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing ! ! !

So as we can see and tell that Reiki is a religion in itself. A way of life. A New Thought if you will that the Reiki Energy is Pure Love ! From the Higher Power. My first Reiki teacher was Doris Denby. I realize more now than ever before the blessing bestowed upon me from Reiki Master Doris Denby. She has a direct connection with Hawayo Takata. The woman who brought the Usui System of Reiki Energy healing to the West. She simply stated that "Reiki is Love !" But again Reiki is also pure Energy from above ! Spiritually guided Universal Life Force Energy ! That can heal personally, other's and all of the "Mighty Maker's Creation ! ! !  

The History of Reiki.

Mikao Usui  is the person responsible for bringing Reiki to Us ! In the early 1900's he started his first Clinic and trained/attuned subsequent Master's who brought Reiki to the United States. 

We honor and call in Master Usui at the beginning of every healing. Hawayo Takata  was the first person from the West that Dr. Mikao Usui taught Reiki to. She had gone for treatments at his Clinic and was healed. She convinced the Good doctor Usui into training her ! ! ! So in my Reiki lineage first would be Doctor Mikao Usui, then Hawayo Takata. Then my Reiki Master Doris Denby. Thank You ! ! ! Dr. Mikao Usui. Thank You Hawayo Takata. Very special Thanks to my Reiki Master Doris Denby !!!!!!!!!!!!  Thank you to All Reiki students, teacher's and Light worker's. Flame Keeper's. Angels ! ! ! And All Secret Agents as I heard stated By Caroline Myss ! A true Light worker/flamekeeper ! ! ! Love and Light to All. All the time ! Pray Unceasingly ! ! ! Learning more and more each day and night to be a Pure channel for the Universal Life Force Energy. Radiating that energy, love and light to all. All the time ! I am a radiant Divine Light Being. Radiating thy healing energy, love and light to all. All the time ! A true Shaman seeking his/her's "Spirit Guides". To guide along the right path/way that brings happiness and fulfillment. That Uplifts all his/her's brothers and sisters. To Heal All ! Personal, the healing of other's, all living things and All Creation. Grounded to Sacred Divine Mother Earth visualizing Roots growing out of the soles of my feet down into Mother Earth's core. Rapping around the Healing Crystal at her Center. Drawing her energy upwards into my higher Center's and then Out to All ! Bathing in Pure white and golden Light from the Heavenly abode Up Above. Always remembering to pray to the Reiki Masters. All Spirit Guides and Angels. All Secret Agents working on our behalf for our Spiritual growth and Well-Being. 

Energy Medicine or Energy Healing

Working more and more with the Spiritually Guided Life Force Energy it has a snow-balling effect ! ! ! Wow ! ! ! What a power the body naturally has to heal it's own self. Again Reiki works with this energy to grow stronger and stronger ! ! ! Paramahansa Yogananda the Great East Indian Yogi Master who authored the now world famous Spiritual Classic " Autobiography of a Yogi " among many other incredible writings including commentaries on  the Bhagavad Gita ( The Bhagavad Gita is a literary work that spiritually nurtured/feed millions of people for more than 2000 years. ) and New Testament of the bible. Showing the unity of all true religion. That the same thing that Jesus taught in the New Testament of the bible is the same truth expressed by Krishna to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita. What a beautiful concept !!!! One of the great yogi master P.Y. 's Prayers stated we are all petals of thy manifestation but thou art the Whole Flower ! All Life and All loveliness. Permeate Our Hearts and Soul's with the fragrance of thy blessed presence.  Om Peace Amen. The great Yogi Master Yogananda understood all about the Universal Life Force Energy or Energy work if you will. Yogananda said he wanted to bring back Original Christianity as again taught by Jesus. Jesus may not have called his healing work Reiki. But laying on of the hands. Working with the Universal Life Force Energy to Heal, change and transform many lives. Many many lives through out history ! ! ! The Reiki Ray or whatever you choose to call it ? " It is Powerful ". In yoga it is prana ! In reiki it is Ki ! In Tai Chi it is Chi and so on and on and on. The circle will not be unbroken ! Amazing Grace ! It will go around in circles and Fly High Up in the Sky !!!!

The Chakras

In yoga the term Chakras refers to energy centers in the body. Vital centers in the physical and astral spine and brain where flows of " prana " intersect. If your chakras are Not taking on the correct amount or flow of energy is blocked disease can set in. Reiki Clears blockages and creates a sense of Balance. Feeling Centered.  The flow of prana/Universal Life Force Energy is like electrical current flowing through a wire. Each flow of energy or current creates a electromagnetic field or what is known as the body's Aura. Energy Work is the Medicine of the Future ! ! ! P.Y. again stated " God's healing Power is unlimited ! Human methods and practices are very limited. God is Not ! One can actually learn to live of the Spiritually Guided Universal Life Force Energy ! Again as the Master Jesus stated in the New Testament " Man does not live by bread alone !!! It is he who sustains Us All ! His/her pure love , light and healing energy is always present as Warm Love as Van the Man Morrison song states so eloquently. I think of this Song Warm love as pure Reiki ! Awesome tune by Mr. Van Morrison. God is love and Love is every where ever present. Working and studying the Chakras is another blog for another day. I would like to recommend a video on YouTube by Nayaswami Savitri of Ananda. A spiritual Community in Northern CA. Savitri leads a 40 minute guided meditation on the Chakras. Please watch and Thank you Nayaswami Savitri for a awesome video ! ! !

All Doors do Open themselves. All lights do light themselves !

Reiki is Amazing !

Reiki is the gift that never stops giving. All the Good Energy, Love and light you put out you receive back ! We all have the Gift. The It !!!! The spark of the infinite One who created Us all and all Creation with this Guided Universal Life Force Energy. In the beginning God said " Let there be light ! ". 

Paramahansa Yogananda's Universal Prayer is Pure Reiki !

May thy light and love shine forever on the sanctuary of my devotion and May we be able to awaken thy Light, thy Love in All hearts.

Advanced Reiki Practices

So many amazing creative ways to focus more intensely the Reiki Energy. Sacred Reiki Symbols. The Reiki symbols are a wonderful simple way to connect to Our Source Energy or Higher Power. The symbols maybe used individually or together. Usui Reiki symbols are actually Japanese kanji. Simply words from the Japanese language. Their names can be found in a Japanese/english dictionary. The origins of the symbols may actually be Shamanic or come from Shintoism. Shamanism we now know as one of civilizations oldest religions or belief systems. Stones and Crystals can also be used. Learning to send Reiki long distance. It is now being measured on instruments that Energy with Will Power and the intent to heal can be measured. So many ways to radiate love, light and Healing Energy to All. Everyone, every living thing and all Creation. Spirit to Spirit goes. I am a beacon of Light. A lighthouse shining bright to bring all ships home from the dark and stormy seas into the bay berthing on shores of Peace, harmony and Goodwill ! Safe and sound ! 

Though I have journeyed on this Reiki path a while I know that each day is a new beginning, a new Dawn !!! May we shine Our Light and love and radiate Healing  Energy to All ! All the Time !!! Do you hear the calling too ? To Heal all that needs healing and More ? We all have this gift of the Universal Life Force Energy flowing through Our beings. What will you do with Your Gift ? Shine On !!! Reiki for the World ! ! ! 

I want to change the World and I will ! ! !

The change that I am seeking, Let it begin with Me ! ! !

Strength in Numbers !

Let's Network. Stay connected. Join forces. The Forces of Good in the World will conquer Evil !

Spiritual Warrior raging the battle of Good versus Evil ! Goodness conquers All ! The Light banishes Darkness ! Where there is Light ! There can be no darkness.

I wanted to also say a special Thank You to the Light Center Black Mountain NC. The Light Center's Mission statement. To increase the awareness of the Oneness of us all. That is by expanding Light, Peace and unconditional love. I have received a Great amount of inspiration from Jim and Dianna Gore through the years. Thank You Jim and Dianna !

Holistic Healing

Reiki Energy is Holistic and Heals the whole body or whole being ! Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and physical body. Working through the major Energy Centers in the body, the Chakras. Reiki will clear blocks and balance the flow of Universal Life Force Energy throughout your whole being. Including your astral body. Cleansing and strengthening Your electromagnetic field or aura. Each Chakra corresponds with a certain emotional state of Mind ! ! ! I love that statement that a Great Healing starts to take place with just one positive Thought ! ! ! We all Shine On and On and On ! ! ! Like the Moon, the stars and the Sun ! 

Reiki is very very compatible with other methods of Natural Healing that also work with the Universal Life Force Energy, prana,Ki, Chi, Qi Gong etc. Like meditation, Hatha and the various other forms of Yoga. Acupuncture, massage Therapy, Sound healing, aromatherapy and any other form of Natural Healing that works with removing obstacles or blocks to Pure Energy flowing. I also very much enjoy musical Therapy ! Healing through Sound or Music. Make a Joy-full Noise ! ! ! 

Please know that I pray for All each and everyday ! For all things Good ! For All ! Good Health, Wealth and abundance. Om Peace Amen.  

Reiki is Love !

Love the lord thy God with all thy heart, soul and strength.

Love knows No Fear.

Only Love will take My place.

God is Love !

Blessed by the Reiki Ray !

Reiki also teaches Pray Unceasingly. Reiki prayers establish the presence of Light or Spirit Guides and Angels and other Secret Agents to heal, inspire and Uplift All ! Pray for protection by Grounding yourself to Sacred Mother Earth. Sacred Divine Mother Earth ! The Mother of Us All. I love to visualize Roots growing out of the souls of my feet down into Mother Earth's core and wrapping around the Crystal at her center ! Bathing in Pure white and Golden Light from above, I live more and more on the Light, love and Eternal Energy of our Creator. Angels, left, right, front and behind ! A legion of Angels at my call ! I can hear that Angel Band singing and calling me to my home in Spirit ! The Reiki Ray of love, light and Healing Energy attracts even more Good !  A Great, Great Healing is taking place in my body, mind and soul ! Spiritual, emotional, physical and mental. I am born a new ! Transformation, detoxification and purification to receive more fully the holy light, love and healing energy from the Source of All things ! ! ! Shine ever more fully thy light, love and healing energy onto me and I will in turn Radiate this healing energy, love and light to All ! To everyone, every living thing and All Creation !

I am a being of Light.

Let there be Light !

I am in a Ray of Light !

Only the Light can be here.

I am a radiant Light being !

I am a Radiant Divine Light Being !

Radiating love, light and Healing Energy to All ! 

Everyone, every living thing and all Creation.

Thank You !

The Art of Happiness

The idea of feeling content and satisfied 😊. Happy ! Staying Positive with the attitude of gratitude ! Giving Thanks for my many blessings. To be honest and kind to all and wish for all only the best that life has to offer. Smile ! Your beautiful when you smile ! Let me see that Smiling Face ! ! ! Appreciating the small things in life that make it all worth while ! Living a uncluttered, simple life. Plain living and High Thinking ! ! ! Not Lady Poverty but Lady Simplicity.


Angelic Spiritual Guides

I have really enjoyed Doreen Virtue for getting in touch with your Angels.  For healing, guidance and protection.

I also wanted to mention a book about Reiki. Hawayo Takata's Story by Helen J. Haberly. Dedicated to the memory of Hawayo K. Takatya. My teacher. My friend. Both authors can be found here on my blog or books. This book on Hawayo Takatya's life helped me to make more of a connection with Takata and the Usui Reiki Healing System. Again special Thank You's to Dr. Mikao Usui and Hawaya K Takatya for Serving the Reiki Ray by sharing, teaching and healing !

May the Spiritually Guided Life Force Energy always be with you and speed you safely back to your Home in Spirit ! Om Peace Amen.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

A Prayer for All !

As I ground myself to sacred Mother Earth I visualize roots growing from the soles of my feet down into her core. Wrapping around the crystal at her center I draw her energy upwards into the center of my being. Feeling connected and grounded in Sacred Divine Mother Earth. The feminine aspect of our creator. I honor her and will be her protector. Like many of us spiritual Warriors ! Keep our air, water and soil pure !

Grounded in Divine Mother Earth I visualize the energy coming from above as Light ! Let there be Light ! Pure golden and white light entering the body. In this ray of Light now from the center of my being I radiate this healing energy, light and love from above to All !

I am a being of Light

I am a radiant being of Light

I am a radiant Divine Light being

I radiate this healing energy as love and light to All ! To everyone, to every living thing and all creation.

My Prayer for All !

Peace, harmony. Goodwill to all.

Good health, Wealth and abundance for all.

May our little ones grow up free and strong. Our elders forever young.

May we always live with a grateful heart for all we have received.

I thank thee lord that thou does remember me even when I remember thee not.

I am ever so humbly grateful for your unceasing gifts.

Bless me that I live in constant remembrance of thee.

Thou and I Never apart !

Om Peace Amen.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Shaman's Call

One of my favorite musical artist is the amazing R Carlos Nakai.  A Native American Flutist. It was with R Carlos in mind when I named my new blogspot here " Calling all the Shaman's to Heal " ! He has this wonderful video on YouTube called " Shaman's Call " along with so many others. Truly R Carlos Nakai to me is a true Shaman/ Earth Spirit with his music.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I do !  How about some more of R Carlos Nakai.  Let's Meditate !

Be still and know that the " Most High ". The Heavenly father dwells within You and all around You. We are all truly blessed with his presence ! We must be still and quiet the restless mind and let his spirit dwell within more fully ! We are truly one with him as we are truly one with All ! Let the holy spirit fill each and everyone of us completely. We are One ! We are all parts of a whole. Amen.

Now let us express Our Gratitude for all things Good ! And his Amazing Grace.  

Now again let's go into our inner sanctuary and find even greater peace and understanding that All is Good. All the time ! All comes from the higher abode. May we be open minded and with a open enough heart to fully receive his Light and love Always.

 Om  Peace  Amen.

Thank you for sharing your time with me ! See you back @ Green Products Affiliate Resource.

P.S. What I decided to do for our listening pleasure is create a playlist that combines all four of the videos above so that once you start the first " Shaman's Call ". All four videos will play one after the other. Again special Thanks to Brother R Carlos Nakai. Your amazing ! ! !

  1. Shaman's Call

     2. Inner Voices

     3. Amazing Grace

     4. Sanctuary